New sand arrives at Beach Haven
New sand arrives at Beach Haven
The re-sanding of Beach Haven beach began this morning (June 3) with the arrival of the first of three barge-loads of sand.
The barge arrived on the early morning high tide and its contents were blessed by local iwi before being spread onto the beach.
North Shore City Mayor George Wood, who attended the blessing, says he is glad to see the project come into fruition.
"This beach will now become an area that can be well used and enjoyed by local people."
Mr Wood says the project is the result of hard work by the Birkenhead/Northcote Community Board, and local resident Frank Larking.
"Frank has spent many years working to see this happen, and he will be delighted with this result."
Two of the three barges, each of which contains
about 270 cubic metres, will have basic sand and the third
shell sand. The contractor will spread each barge load along
the beach as it arrives with original sand then spread over
the top. The work will be carried out over the next week.