Ports of Auckland a leader in security
Ports of Auckland a leader in security
Ports of Auckland has achieved a significant milestone in preparation for meeting the international 1 July 2004 deadline for heightened port security.
The company’s Port Facility Security Plan was approved by the government-appointed maritime security body, the Maritime Safety Authority (MSA), on 4 May 2004.
“Ports of Auckland takes security very seriously, particularly in face of increased risk from global terrorism. Our Plan and its implementation are vitally important for the security of trade through Auckland and the protection of staff, port users and the community,” said Will Harvey, General Manager Port Services.
Bruce Johnson, Maritime Safety Authority General Manager Maritime Security, said of Ports of Auckland’s Plan: “I would like to commend the port on its thoroughness and the obvious effort that has gone into its preparation. It is of a high standard and a model of its kind.”
The Plan details POAL’s strengthened border security management. It is a major step towards compliance with the Maritime Security Act 2004, introduced to keep New Zealand’s trade and tourism markets secure, and to safeguard its citizens from terrorism and trans-national crime. The Act was passed in April 2004 to ensure New Zealand complies with the International Maritime Organisation’s new international maritime security framework, which is effective 1 July 2004.
An on-site
audit will be conducted by the MSA in the near future, once
the Plan is implemented. Ports of Auckland is on track to
gain compliance ahead of the 1 July 2004 deadline.