North Shore Proposes Liquor Ban Bylaw
Disorderly behaviour addressed by proposed liquor ban bylaw
North Shore City Council is proposing a bylaw banning alcohol in some public places to better control drunk and disorderly behaviour.
The council's works and environment committee decided today (April 6) to draft the bylaw after investigations revealed this was the most suitable way to deal with the problem.
chairperson, Joel Cayford, says this would give the council
greater control over alcohol consumption in public places by
putting in place a ban where it was needed.
" We want to end the disorderly behaviour and criminal offending which is linked to drinking alcohol in North Shore City streets. "
The Local Government Act 2002 requires the council to put in place a procedure to address liquor control in public places. Previously the council could simply pass a resolution to put a liquor ban in place at any time.
" Better controls over drinking in public places make people feel safer visiting popular parts of the city, " Councillor Cayford says.
The Police, who would enforce the bylaw, and Alcohol Healthwatch have both expressed their support of the idea.
A draft bylaw will be put forward to the
works and environment committee later in the year before
going out for public consultation.