Old military buildings to be removed
Old military buildings to be removed from Takapuna Head
April 6, 2004
Turning the former Defence force
land at Takapuna Head into public parkland is another step
closer with the planned removal of unused buildings from the
While several historic buildings and features will be retained, North Shore City Council is about to call for tenders for the removal of the remaining buildings on the public reserve area of the land.
The historic officers' mess and parade grounds, and three barracks will be left intact on the site.
North Shore City> ' s deputy mayor, Dianne Hale, says the move is another step towards freeing up the land for wider public use.
Removing these buildings is necessary for both safety and aesthetic reasons and the first step to redeveloping this area.
"Once the buildings are removed our council will work with the Department of Conservation to develop a plan for the restoration and future use of the entire reserve land," Councillor Hale says.
Takapuna Head offers spectacular coastal views and is the closest point on the mainland to Rangitoto Island.
The land was declared surplus to NZ Defence Force requirements in 2000 and set aside by the Crown as reserve land. Since then North Shore City Council and DOC have been working together to plan for the future restoration and development of the site as open parkland.
The chairperson of the council> '> s community services and parks committee, Margaret Miles, says the land is a valuable addition to North Shore City's existing network of coastal reserves.
"This is a spectacular site which, when developed, will be widely enjoyed by current and future residents and visitors to the city. The removal of these buildings brings that closer to reality,> " Councillor Miles says.
At present the seaward side of the reserve, which consists predominantly of the historic reserve administered by DOC, is freely available for public use.
The remainder of the land has been designated recreation reserve to be managed by the North Shore City Council.
Several houses and other buildings on the site have been progressively removed over the past year.
The Defence Force has also agreed that the playing field that forms part of the remaining defence land will also be made available to the public.