Eastern Corridor Bad News For North Shore Resident
11 March
Eastern Corridor Bad News For North Shore Residents
Any move to develop the Eastern Corridor ahead of other projects will be bad news for North Shore Residents says Ratepayers Association Chairman, David Thornton.
"The existing priority is completion of the Western By-Pass which will take the load off the Harbour Bridge, which, in turn, will free up space on the Motorway in the crucial central area including Spaghetti Junction" says Mr Thornton.
"Relieving pressure on the existing motorway will reduce congestion for all other motorway users.
"The region has a Land Transport Strategy which gives low priority to the Eastern Corridor - on the basis that it would only bring marginal improvement to congestion compared to other, higher priority, projects." "To give the Eastern Corridor any sort of priority will suck much of the available construction industry capacity and push other projects back for many years"
The Association considered this project at its committee meeting last night and confirmed its support for priority to be given to completing the Western By-Pass via Greenhithe on which work had already begun.
David Thornton says "The Western By-Pass will bring huge benefits for North Shore and Rodney residents - any delays in this project will be bad news for the northern part of the region which does not have - nor is getting - a rail system".