Mayor Calls For Fair Share Of Govt Relief
Mayor Calls For Fair Share Of Govt Relief
Mayor John Terris has issued a call for the Government to not forget the devastating impact the floods have had on Hutt residents.
"No-one is denying the scale of the damage to more northern areas of the lower North Island, but I want to remind the Government that at an individual and family level, the floods have been just as devastating and the stories of loss just as heartbreaking," said Mayor Terris.
He was commenting in the wake of the Government's announcement that it was offering an immediate $650,000 flood relief package to embattled local authorities further up the island. Hutt City was not mentioned except for the already announced $20,000 contribution to the Mayoral Relief Fund.
"I would not normally approach the media in this manner, but it has got to the point where I simply must stand up and publicise the plight of our citizens in the aftermath of the flooding."
"There has been no assistance offered by Government other than a belated offer of $20,000 to the Mayoral Relief Fund some time after similar pledges were made to other councils.
"Some families have literally lost everything and while my Council will do as much as possible through our Relief Fund we have limited scope to meet all our flood related expenses without it having an impact on other Council activities.
"We have well in excess of $1 million of damage to Council infrastructure but apart from a standard 45 per cent subsidy for roading repairs from Transfund, little help from Government has been forthcoming."
"I want to send a message to this Government that they not forget the very real stories of tragedy that exist right in their back yard.
"The pictures might not be as
dramatic but that is of no consolation to the many families
who are still not able to occupy their homes, and won't be
able to for some months," said Mayor Terris.