Rosedale clean landfill to continue
Rosedale clean landfill to continue
A 'clean fill' site currently operated by EnviroWaste at Rosedale is to continue for another two years.
North Shore City Council says there are significant cost advantages in allowing the company to continue to use the site to dump such "clean fill" materials as soil, glass, plaster, clay and rocks.
It will also mean the site will be available to the public as a park and recreational area sooner and at less cost.
North Shore City's council's community services and parks committee has agreed that the company should continue to use the site, as it will help level the area and save ratepayers more than $300,000 if the council had to do the work itself.
Committee chairperson, Margaret Miles, says if the city were to take over the site as it is, within two years the council would have to do a lot of work to level the area, especially the upper part. This work would include earthwork consents, contracts for removing and relaying topsoil, turning the gas system on and off, stormwater control and project management.
EnviroWaste proposes to increase the amounts of clean fill going into the site to 250,000 sq m a year, and will meet the cost of stripping the topsoil, re-laying and grassing.
The council's only involvement will be to meet half the cost of surveying, which will be $20,000.