Smart Gardeners To Be Rewarded
24 September 2003
Smart Gardeners To Be Rewarded
Manukau City Council is inviting green-fingered residents to enter the Create your own Eden awards for smart gardening. The awards have been organised with other councils in the Auckland region, to reward suburban residents for using low-waste gardening practices such as planting low-maintenance and native plants.
Environmental Policy Analyst, Malcolm Currie, says that there are many things gardeners can do that will benefit the environment.
“Planting low-maintenance and native plant types reduces the large amount of leaf-drop or the need for such frequent pruning, as does the use of non-invasive plants. Making and using your own compost and garden mulch also reduces the volumes that end up in the landfill.”
Gold, silver and bronze awards will be presented at the Ellerslie Flower Show in November with the overall winner receiving a personal gardening session with TV’s ‘bugman’ Ruud Kleinpaste, as well as a Masport Genius 4 ‘n 1 combo lawn mower.
To enter the awards, download the form at or telephone the Manukau Call Centre on 262 5104 to have one sent to you. Entry forms are also available from your local library, most garden centres and in the Weekend Gardener magazine.
Entries close on Friday 10 October 2003 and must be accompanied by clear photographs.