More certainty for Devonport defence land
More certainty for Devonport defence land
Local residents will soon have more certainty about how the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) land at Devonport can be used.
The North Shore City Council yesterday formally notified the changes and definition that are being proposed by NZDF for how the land could be used. This statutory notice of requirement also explains which areas of land it applies to and introduces tighter controls on any future development.
Gary Holmes, who chairs the city's regulatory and hearings committee, says it has been a bumpy ride and people have been crying out for more certainty for a number of years.
"The land is designated for defence purposes in our District Plan but local residents have understandably been concerned about what that means," he says.
The notice of requirement, which does not include privately-owned land, aims to give people a better idea about what can take place on this defence-owned land. It explains NZDF's view of 'defence purposes' which include land, sea and air operations, training, accommodation, administration, storage, medical and welfare facilities, as well as other defence-related activities.
The notice also identifies areas which have been excluded, such as the seabed as this is not administered by the council and extends the designated area to incorporate all nearby land owned by NZDF.
Conditions will also be imposed to address noise, car parking, building height, bulk and location, signs, lighting and visual aspects of any future development.
Councillor Holmes says the notice of requirement should give people some clarity as to what activities could take place on the land.
"It also enables people to speak up if they have any concerns through a formal submission and hearing process."
The four key NZDF areas included in the notice of requirement are: North Yard (currently designated in North Shore City's District Plan as Designation 92); South Yard (Designation 91); Narrow Neck (Designation 88); and Torpedo Bay (Designation 89).
The Navy will hold a public meeting on Monday, September 15 at 7.30pm in the RSA Hall, Devonia Building, 61 Victoria Ave, Devonport for anyone wishing to find out more about the notice of requirement and what it means.
Any individual or organisation wishing to comment on the notice of requirement can do so by making a submission supporting or opposing all or part of it before Thursday, October 16. The council will consider these submissions before making a recommendation to the Minister of Defence.