Unlocking Highbury's potential
Unlocking Highbury's potential
Locals will have the opportunity to "unlock Highbury's potential" as part of a North Shore City Council planning initiative.
The project will address growth and development issues, as well as a wide range of other factors like transport, environment, business and economy, housing design and density, community and leisure facilities (including the library), parks, stormwater and wastewater.
North Shore City's strategy and finance committee chairperson, Tony Holman, says community input will help define a vision and framework for how Highbury and the surrounding area could change over time.
"Highbury is a central part of the Birkenhead area and a key focus for the city," he says.
"We want to find out what people like about the area and where they see room for improvement."
The Highbury Centre Review is a key component of the council's City Blueprint Action Plan that sets out its approach to improving the way in which growth and change is managed in the city.
Councillor Holman says a strategic and integrated approach is essential.
"We must ensure that population and business growth is managed appropriately in the context of the city as a whole, and in relation to the rest of the Auckland region.
"We also need to protect community values, address locals' concerns and ensure that Highbury and the surrounding area is a great place in which to live, work and play," he says.
Highbury Centre Review project will take a three-staged
approach. The first stage will involve extensive community
consultation. It will identify technical issues,
opportunities and constraints, as well as establish a vision
and framework for the area. The second stage will draw up a
programme of action and the final stage will deliver on
these actions.