MAF Proves Once Again that People Don't Matter
MAF Proves Once Again that People Don't Matter
Helen Wiseman-Dare, Chairperson, West Aucklanders Against Aerial Spraying said today that she was appalled that MAF would even consider aerial spraying over Hamilton after finding only one moth and no other life stages. She said there was no proof of any infestation.
She queried the use of Foray 48B for the Asian Gypsy Moth when MAF had earlier said that a pheromone was available and was used overseas.
She said that MAF had obviously bowed to pressure from the Forestry Industry and questioned why it was not being expected to pay the costs of protecting private forestry.
According to a recent report received by the Ministry of Health, nearly 3,300 people have reported health problems associated with the aerial spraying over Auckland and figures obtained under the Official Information Act show that over 10,000 people have called MAF's PAM health service with their concerns. These facts alone indicate that serious concerns exist over the aerial spraying of Foray 48B which are not being addressed.
She also condemned the cutting back by Aer Aqua (MAF's health service) of assistance to those severely affected by the spray and the denial of evacuation to many. "I have received many reports of evacuees having to battle new hardline Aer Aqua "case managers" for continuance of their evacuation to motels or other assistance previously received during spraying" she said.
"I have yet to hear of anyone receiving full reimbursement of all their medical expenses" she said.
"Nearly every day I hear of more people selling up and moving to get away from the spraying and the disruption and devastation it has caused to their health and lives".