Takapuna Visitor Centre tops in survey
Takapuna Visitor Centre tops in survey
North Shore City's Takapuna Visitor Information Centre has scored top points in a national survey of several visitor centres.
Survey researchers visited each of the information centres throughout New Zealand scoring each on a range of criteria.
The Takapuna centre in Hurstmere Rd scored the top mark over three main categories: customer service, office presentation and telephone service.
North Shore City's Deputy Mayor Dianne Hale says staff at the Takapuna Visitor Information Centre are thrilled to have won the top accolade in this customer service survey.
"All the staff and volunteers work extremely hard to provide the best possible service to customers and visitors.
"It's great to see our team recognised for their efforts - and we know that this result was not just a one-off. The centres provide an invaluable service to visitors and tourists whenever the doors are open," Councillor Hale says.
The Takapuna office has recently changed its image to become an i-SITE, in keeping with the nation-wide tourism standard, and this has helped raise its profile she says.
North Shore City's other visitor information centre is in a recently refurbished location in Devonport.
Both centres are able to assist with accommodation and bookings for all forms of travel, except air travel, not only in North Shore City, but also throughout New Zealand. They can provide information on sightseeing, walks, activities, events, business locations, accommodation, restaurants and shopping in North Shore City. There is also extensive information available about other New Zealand destinations.
Both offices are open seven days a week, to offer an outstanding service to both residents and visitors. In fact, they are open every single day except Christmas Day.
Takapuna Visitor Information Centre
49 Hurstmere Road (next to NZ Post) Phone: 09 486 8670 Open Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm. Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10am-3pm
Devonport Visitor Information Centre
3 Victoria Road (next to Esplanade Hotel) Phone: 09
446 0677 Open Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm. Sat, Sun and holidays
8:30am to 5pm(ends)