Funding for more frequent bus services in Hamilton
Funding for more frequent bus services in
Hamilton residents will find their transport options increasing with a Transfund New Zealand decision to fund increased off-peak services.
Environment Waikato applied to Transfund for 40 percent funding of the $742,400 required to increase Hamilton's off-peak services from every 60 minutes to every 30 minutes, Monday to Friday.
The regional council will be deciding whether to fund the rest of the cost through an increase in the passenger transport rate. A decision on this is anticipated in early June.
The Transfund Board approved the funding, of $296,960, at its May meeting.
Planning and evaluation manager Richard Braae says the funding was approved because more frequent bus services would provide a real incentive for people to use public transport.
Transfund agreed to fund these services on the condition that Environment Waikato provide a progress report in six months. After twelve months, a further report would be provided on the uptake of the new services to ensure the increased patronage justified the investment in the services.