Open Letter/ OIA Request To Auckland City Council
29 January 2003
It has come to my attention via the front page of the local paper, (Auckland City Harbour News, Wednesday 29 January 2003) that the Auckland City Council has commissioned a poll of some Auckland City residents on the issue of signage on private property.
Given that it was reported in the Eastern Bays Courier on Wednesday 23 January 2003 that Auckland Mayor John Banks stated on 17 January 2003, that the Ike Finau signs issue was 'trivial,'
Can you please provide a copy of the following information:
1) A copy of the questions asked by whoever was responsible for conducting the above-mentioned poll.
2) The meeting minutes or correspondence of any form, including electronic; by any elected Auckland City Councillor, Mayor, or any Auckland City Council official in any capacity, that explains:
a) upon whose authority the above-mentioned poll was commissioned,
b) for what reasons the above-mentioned poll was commissioned,
c) who carried out the above-mentioned poll,
d) how much it cost to carry out the above-mentioned poll.
3) Can you please advise myself and Dilip Rupa whether the "Merry Xmas" and "LOYAL" signs on our respective properties are 'illegal' in terms of Bylaw 27.5.1, or not?
(Please note that we have complained both about the signs on our own properties and each others properties in order to expose the absurdity of this Bylaw, and have been waiting since 20 December 2002 for an answer to this question. )
The America's Cup final draws closer!
Is is illegal, to the point of arrest and imprisonment for citizens of 'the world's best place,' as the Auckland City Council claim, to display signs on their vehicles or private properties supporting 'Team New Zealand,' or not?
(Even people like myself, who are not supporters of the America's Cup, support the right of those who do, to express their opinion in the form of a sign, on their vehicle or private property.)
4) Can you please provide the information that explains why an 'Order to Remove Sign' dated 17 January 2003, has been made to Leih Salter from Blockhouse Bay to remove her
"Dump Metrowater - Don't pay your water bill" sign?
I have an identical sign, saying
"Dump Metrowater - Don't pay your water bill", next to my "Merry Xmas" sign, and although the Auckland City Council stated in a letter dated 16 January 2003 :
"Initial investigations have been completed," I have received no "Order to Remove Sign" for either of my signs, and neither has Dilip Rupa.
Can you please provide the information which explains why the Auckland City Council is applying Bylaw 27.5.1 in such a selective and discriminatory manner and why Dilip Rupa and myself cannot, despite our best efforts, get our complaints acted upon? We demand equal treatment under the law! (Bylaw)
(Please note that the 'Order to Remove Sign' dated 17 January 2003 by Leih Salter will be the subject of a complaint to the Human Rights Commission. Leih Salter, like Ike Finau, is Polynesian.)
4) Have you yet received, and if so, can you please provide a copy of, the letter from the Attorney-General stating whether or not the Bylaw 27.5.1 is consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 and the Bill of Rights Act 1990.
Thank you for your anticipated prompt assistance in this matter of considerable public interest.
Penny Bright Media Spokesperson Water Pressure Group (Auckland) Ph (09) 846 9825