Contract Accepted For Jackson Street

Published: Fri 15 Nov 2002 04:22 PM
Contract Accepted For Jackson Street
Hutt City Council has awarded Fulton Hogan Ltd of Petone a contract to undertake works that form part of phase two of the Jackson Street upgrade.
“We have a unique and special place in Jackson Street and it is becoming a very popular destination for Hutt City residents and visitors alike, said Hutt City Mayor John Terris.
Works will commence in mid February after the annual Petone Village Fair.
The tender involves the area between Victoria Street and Bay Street and includes:
· 3x high standard pedestrian crossings on Jackson Street · 10x raised pedestrian platforms across side roads · 20x new rubbish bins · 2x heritage style streetlights (adding to the 13 put in during July)
“We're very pleased with the tender price of $340,000. While the delay in the tender process has been regrettable, we simply weren’t prepared to accept any price in order to get the work done immediately. The price we have accepted means that over $50,000 will now be available to address car parking issues in Jackson Street,” said Traffic Asset Manager, Joe Hewitt.
A report on car parking, which will include improvement options, is currently being prepared and will be available next year.
“Council’s investment in this area has demonstrated our commitment to investing in infrastructure that encourages sustainable economic development in the city. Private sector activity in the area has certainly taken off since Council has shown its willingness to invest.”

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