ARC Consent Forms Go Online
September 5, 2001
Anybody wanting to apply for a resource consent from the Auckland Regional Council can do so via the internet from today.
ARC Environmental Management chairperson Patricia Thorp says the advent of consent application forms online is a first for regional councils in New Zealand.
“The internet has already made a big difference to the way people access information from the ARC, and we believe there is plenty of demand for consent forms online,” Cr Thorp says.
“The ARC processes approximately 1000 consent applications per year and we expect the service to be especially popular among consultants, planners, lawyers and others who regularly need to apply for consents or have quick access to consent information.”
Application forms will be available in three different formats via the internet ( They are: online – where the forms can be completed online, print – where forms can be printed from the website; and contact – which provides an email link and phone number to request forms.
Cr Thorp says once the Electronic Transactions Bill is passed by Parliament the website will be redeveloped to allow applicants to complete the entire consent application process online.
Consent forms available via the website include those required to:
- make, alter or install a
- take, use or divert groundwater;
- take or use
surface water;
- discharge domestic wastewater;
divert and discharge stormwater;
- dam surface
- discharge contaminants;
- sediment
- undertake works in a watercourse; and
- to
discharge contaminants to air.
Cr Thorp says having
the consent forms online is in line with the ARC’s aim to be
more customer focused and for that reason the website
includes an email link ( for customer
“As this is the first online service of its kind in New Zealand we want our customers to tell us what they think of it and how we can make it more user friendly.”