Redevelopment Of New Brighton A Step Closer
The Christchurch City Council will take a step closer to finalising the redevelopment of the New Brighton Mall this week.
The City Services Committee will consider a recommendation to start a formal procedure to revoke the existing Special Order Procedure covering the pedestrian mall. This will allow the introduction of a one-way slow vehicle lane.
Vehicles will enter from Seaview Road and exit via Oram Avenue. The vehicle lane will include a limited number of short-term parking bays for shoppers. The lane will be 4m wide, leaving room for a 9m footpath on the southern side and 7m footpath on the northern side of the slow road.
Owners of carparks in Hawke Street will be required to upgrade these as part of the redevelopment.
A working party from the Burwood/Pegasus Community Board, the New Brighton Business Association and the New Brighton Residents Association helped develop the proposal concepts for the redevelopment.
The proposal includes:
slow-road to be re-introduced along Seaview Rd from Union to
St to Oram Ave, exiting out of the mall at the Oram
Ave/Beresford St intersection
- upgrade street furniture
and planting through the redeveloped mall
- relocate the
children’s playground and create a green space
- modify
Seaview Rd from Hardy St to Union St to assist traffic
- return Union St between Seaview Rd and Beresford
St to a two way road
- re-develop the Beresford St
carpark, effectively bringing it closer to the mall
The Christchurch City Council City Services Committee Chair, Denis O’Rourke, says the overall aim is to attract more people to live in and visit New Brighton.
“The redevelopment of the west-end of the mall is part of the council’s on-going investment in the New Brighton area.”
As part of the road opening procedure, the public will be invited to make submissions and comment on the proposal.
Councillor O’Rourke says this will get underway around the end of the August. The public will be notified when this happens in the public notices of Christchurch newspapers.