Nationwide support for cleaner diesel in Auckland
“Nationwide support for cleaner diesel in Auckland”
June 29, 2001
Support from all around New Zealand is pouring in for the ARC’s campaign to bring cleaner diesel to Auckland immediately.
The council is pushing for a reduction of the sulphur content in the region’s diesel supply which requires the agreement of all four major oil companies. Mobil is alone in resisting the move.
Latest to back the initiative are Hawkes Bay Regional Council, Wellington Regional Council, Rodney District Council, Waitakere City Council, the Environmental Defence Society and the Auckland Centre of the NZ Institute of Environmental Health.
They join BP, Caltex, Challenge, Gull Petroleum, Shell, the Motor Industry Association, Stagecoach, Northern Regional Transport Association, Automobile Association, Green Party, National Party, Speaker of the House Jonathan Hunt, numerous labour MPs, Environment Bay of Plenty and Southland District Council.
“That represents all the major oil companies except Mobil and well as political, environmental and business organisations from all over New Zealand,” ARC chairman Philip Warren says.
“Mobil have said in the media that if there is nationwide support for using the refinery’s extra capacity they will rethink their opposition.
“So, come on Mobil. Rethink now!”
Cr Warren says if Mobil isn’t prepared to change its mind then it’s time for central government to intervene.
“What the Government has to decide, is whether it is happy for one third of the country’s population to continue to be exposed to 1000kg per day of potentially carcinogenic particles with deep lung penetration, which could be removed from Auckland’s air immediately.
“This is an unnecessary and unacceptable health risk and if the Government cares about it, then it must act.