Early Request For Public Transport Service Tenders
“Early Request For New Public Transport Service Tenders”
The Auckland Regional Council is seeking
tenders for new trial services earlier than usual, to take
best advantage of the Government’s Patronage Funding
kick-start scheme.
“We normally call for tenders for new services around July, but this year we’ve already opened the tender round, so that new services can start as soon as July,” said Transport Committee chairman Les Paterson. Under the new scheme, for eligible services started in the 2001/2 financial year, the ARC will receive a 60% contribution from Transfund.
“We want to build and enhance the existing public transport network. Here’s a great opportunity for operators to come up with innovative and creative new services. We’re encouraging all operators to submit tenders for new bus, train and ferry services around Auckland,” said Cr Paterson.
“We will be looking favourably on tenders offering services using quiet, low emission vehicles such as alternative fuels or pollution-reducing mechanisms.
“We will also be weighting services that support localities with lots of young families or elderly residents, ones that take wheelchairs, prams and pushchairs, and ones that service areas where there’s intensive or new residential development.”
“Services that provide new or improved connections during peak hours especially to major employment areas will be very favourably weighted.”
“We’re also interested in receiving tenders for late night services (past midnight), services where passengers can use one ticket across different connections, and where services will reduce travel times during peak hours.”
Tenders for new
services close on 6 June, and successful new tender services
will be confirmed after the 7 July Transport Committee