Home Owners Need To Play Their Part
21 November 2000
Heritage Home Protection Needs Home Owners To Play Their Part
Heritage homes of exceptional appeal are protected through Auckland City’s District Plan but also need their owners to play their part.
A recent council survey of some historic houses within the plan’s Residential One zone has shown that many of the grand old homes have been renovated to retain historic integrity, while others have not.
“The zone aims to protect built heritage and it is apparent that there are some successful re-designs, and some less so,” says Planning and Regulatory chair Cr Juliet Yates.
“The inspection, carried out in parts of St Mary’s Bay following a public complaint, shows that the zoning is generally working well when the rules are valued by residents and are firmly enforced.”
Auckland’s historic homes are located in older city streets, particularly in the Western Bays and Parnell, and are generally considered an integral part of the city’s most desirable areas.
They are protected through the Residential One zoning which requires any development to replicate the predominant style of houses in the area so that significant heritage character is retained. Period homes must be renovated and maintained in keeping with the form of the surrounding environment.
Cr Yates says it’s important that people discuss their development proposals with council staff before any final design for an alteration or new building is drawn up in a Residential One zone.
A pre-application meeting can help people understand the purpose of the controls and the actual character of the neighbourhood where the site is located.
“Otherwise there can be frustration and delays, both for applicants and any affected neighbours,” Cr Yates said.
“Early consultation with skilled staff may suggest design solutions which avoid the need for notified resource consents and result in sympathetic alterations or improvements which enhance the neighbourhood character.”
Auckland City’s Heritage Division Manager George Farrant says ongoing inspections of houses in other Residential One areas will be carried out as resources permit.
“As the approach of owners, commissioned architects and regulators matures and evolves with experience, it is clear that the zone rules are proving not only workable, but increasingly understood and accepted,” he said. “They are exerting a very positive influence on the continued integrity and growth of these precious and much-loved aspects of Auckland’s urban and social history.”
For further information
Please contact
Cr Juliet Yates
Telephone 528 0581 0r 025 289