New Zealand Archbishops urge prayer for Nigerian Schoolgirls
Media Release – May 9th 2014
New Zealand Archbishops urge prayer for Nigerian Schoolgirls
The Roman Catholic
and Anglican Archbishops of New Zealand are calling for
people to pray for the release and protection of the
schoolgirls kidnapped in northern Nigeria.
Anglican Archbishops Philip Richardson and Brown Turei, and Roman Catholic Archbishop John Dew, say this Sunday is an opportunity for churches across the country to pray for, and so stand with governments and churches across the globe, wanting a safe return of the young women.
Archbishop Philip Richardson says the kidnapping has outraged nations and there is a deepening sense of anger at how more than 200 lives can disappear for weeks.
“Our General Synod, the governing body of our church, convenes tomorrow in Waitangi and it will be praying for a safe return of the girls and that this issue will highlight the ongoing work still needed to stop trafficking of children. I encourage prayer across our country.”
Archbishop John Dew asked people to pray for young women and their families, “This will have caused untold suffering for the families, desperate to have their precious children returned safely.
“This action has shocked people around the world, as global citizens we are outraged that such an injustice can occur on young, innocent and defenceless people such as these,” says Archbishop John Dew.
“In our relative comfort and security here in New Zealand, in the quiet moments when this news story comes to our thoughts and attention may we take just a few moments to pray for the young women and their families, and for a peaceful and safe outcome,” says Archbishop John Dew.