Banderton-Neanderton's Chance for Enlightenment
Published on SOLO - Sense of Life Objectivists (
Press Release: Comrade Banderton-Neanderton's Big Chance for
By Lindsay Perigo
Cabinet's highest-ranking troglodyte, Jim Anderton, said this morning he'd happily pay for tickets for Global Warming Sceptics to attend Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
SOLO Principal Lindsay Perigo says, "Thanks but no thanks," noting that Gore's quack movie was recently found by a British high court to contain nine major scientific errors. "The inconvenient truth for Gore is that the relationship between CO2 levels and temperature is the reverse of that claimed by him," Perigo adds. "Gore is to the truth what the Catholic Church was in the time of Galileo. And on the basis of his flat-earthery, troglodytes the world over are trying to bring industrial civilisation to its knees."
Perigo has an offer of his own for Comrade Banderton-Neanderton:
"If he can take time out for long enough from trying to ban everything in sight to view the British-made documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, SOLO will guarantee him a lifetime's supply of whatever party pills take the place of BZP-based ones after his ban comes into effect. We'll even supply him with a link, on which one of his flunkeys might click for him:
"SOLO is very concerned for Jim. It's clear he doesn't get out enough. If he gets a life, he might stop trying to run other people's. A little pharmaceutical assistance is clearly called for, and SOLO would be only too delighted to underwrite it," Perigo concludes ... adding, with slight bulge in cheek, "in the interests of humanity as a whole."