Overseas Kiwis Need to Think Very Carefully
26 June 2002
Overseas Kiwis Need to Think Very Carefully About Political Promises from Home
The Aotearoa Tertiary Students’ Association (ATSA) today cautioned New Zealanders living overseas to think very carefully about how they vote in the coming election. Some political parties have made much of their international outlook by targeting Kiwis living out of the country.
“Many young Kiwis living overseas have been driven offshore because of the Student Loan Scheme,” ATSA President Julie Pettett stated today. “ATSA urges Kiwis living overseas to think carefully about who to entrust with their votes.”
The average Student Loan debt held by graduates living overseas exceeds $16,000, more than one-fifth higher than the average domestic debt. In total, overseas graduates owe close to $300 million.
“It is important graduates appreciate that their vote could help stop the injustice of the Student Loan Scheme wrecking havoc on future generations of students,” Pettett concluded. “Look critically at sweeping political promises. Be especially carefully of those parties whose past and present policies gave you the educational debt you are now struggling to pay off.”