Are SuperGold cardholders next on hit list?
Are SuperGold cardholders next on Joyce’s hit list?
Reports that some councils are being underfunded
to supply travel to SuperGold cardholders should be a
concern for over half a million Kiwis who hold one,
Labour’s Transport spokesperson Darren Hughes said today.
“I am worried that uncertainty around the funding for free off-peak travel for cardholders could lead to confusion for those who now rely on the travel as part of their everyday lives,” Darren Hughes said.
“At least one council has gone public about a ‘significant shortfall’ in its funding from the New Zealand Transport Agency which enables it to provide over 65s their free off peak travel.
“It would be a real worry if this became a trend around New Zealand. Otago Regional Council claims it only has enough funding to make it to March 2010.
“So what is going on here? Is Transport Minister Steven Joyce now pulling money out of travel for Superannuitants to feed his hunger for large roading projects in the main centres?”
“Councils admit they’re facing real challenges here
but the status quo must remain. Yes, these are difficult
times, but a pillar of being part of a civilised society is
looking after the elderly.
“Steven Joyce needs to end the confusion. Will councils be 100% funded to provide SuperGold cardholders with the travel they now rely on? If not, will cardholders lose some of the current entitlement?
“Are councils going to be forced to make up any shortfall? And if so, what other services will be cut, or will ratepayers face increased bills?”
Darren Hughes said he will be keeping a close eye on this situation to ensure the over 65s are not robbed of what is now a very important service for them.
“The prospect of losing the ability to meet family, go shopping and travel to healthcare at no cost would impose a massive burden on them.”