Change Proposal for Hospital Facilities
17 June 2004
Change Proposal for Hospital Facilities
The Hospital & Specialist Service (HSS) of the Canterbury District Health Board, is looking at a proposal that will realign its provision of public health services.
The HSS General Manager, Jock Muir, said the proposal was in its discussion stage with the Hospital and Specialist Service general managers.
‘We are looking at a realignment of services that will better meet community health needs,’ he said. ‘The proposed changes have come about principally due to the anticipated move of Christchurch Women’s hospital to the Christchurch hospital campus early in the new year, the introduction of population based funding, and the complexity of Christchurch hospital.’
‘Some positions will be affected by the proposal and the staff involved have been part of the discussion process currently underway.’
Mr Muir said his divisional general managers had met with him to look at the existing management structure and had accepted there was potential to manage the divisions differently which could be beneficial to the CDHB.
‘Bearing in mind that the financial deficit has developed under the existing structure, this seems to be a compelling incentive for considering a change,’ he said.
The proposal includes the reorganisation of services provided at Christchurch hospital into service-based divisions around medical & acute services, surgical services, patient care services, and clinical support services. Services for children will be incorporated into the existing women’s health division creating a new women’s and children’s health division.
Mr Muir said that under the proposal, the services for older persons health provided at The Princess Margaret hospital and existing services at Burwood hospital would be combined. He stressed that this did not mean that either of the facilities would close.
‘It is purely a realignment of services.’
There were no changes planned under the proposal for Mental Health Services or the Ashburton & Community Health Services (which included rural hospitals), he said.
Mr Muir emphasised that the change proposal, if accepted, would provide improved services for patients and clients who used the public hospitals in Christchurch.
‘I am currently working with the staff affected and expect to announce the realignment of services in early July,’ he added.