Putting the 'public' back in public policy
Putting the 'public' back
in public policy
New Zealanders must have more opportunity for input into public policy, says Massey Vice-Chancellor Steve Maharey.
Mr Maharey, who is also a sociologist and former Cabinet Minister, was speaking at the opening of the Public Policy Network Conference hosted by Massey University in Auckland today (Thursday). He said the process of developing and implementing policy involves too few people and has led to distrust and cynicism.
“While the public is consulted and allowed to make submissions, the real decisions are made by a relatively small group of insiders," he said. “Politicians increasingly rely on politically appointed advisors and small groups made up of people from a very narrow band of society to advise them. Too often politicians see focus groups as the best way to find out what the public think. Genuine participation by the wider public is very limited."
Mr Maharey warned that the public would become cynical about a process that they know is paying lip service to participation. “When this happens we will all be losers because it will lead to disenchantment, division and anger. We are seeing this in the United States right now."
He says that politicians need to ensure people from throughout New Zealand society felt they were involved in matters that affect them. “Politicians often complain that it is too difficult to take everyone’s view into account. It is difficult only because, like most democracies, we have not yet taken the necessary steps to fully involve people in the matters that affect them.
“Essentially we need more democracy; more information made freely available; tolerance for differences of opinion; more decisions made at the lowest level of government so people can be involved.
“The principles of proportional representation should be expanded to encompass all areas of political decision-making. Our public service needs to find ways to involve people in decisions about the services being provided. And we should use a move toward a republic to debate how to involve all sectors of our society in the running a modern 21st century society."
The January 27-28 conference of New Zealand and Australian public policy scholars includes an evaluation of the new Auckland Supercity council's first months in office by Massey politics lecturer Jeff Chapman. He will examine the extent to which elected mayor Len Brown and his centre-left council – Australasia's largest local authority – are a challenge to central government's plans for Auckland.
Massey historian Professor Michael Belgrave will discuss the role and influence of the Treaty of Waitangi in public policy, and Professor Marilyn Waring, from Auckland University of Technology's Institute of Public Policy, will discuss human rights in relation to unpaid caregivers.
Dr Brian Coffey of Deakin University, Melbourne, will discuss the implications of public sector reform for environmental governance, and Professor Brian Head, from the University of Queensland, will outline successful Australian examples of integrated policy for conservation and natural resource management.
Conference convener Associate Professor Grant Duncan, from Massey's public policy programme, says it is significant that the annual event is being held for the first time in New Zealand just as the country is about to undergo a sweeping constitutional review.
A conference programme can be found at: http://tur-www1.massey.ac.nz/~wwppn201/