Businesses will be paying more than double the rates
23 March 2012
Council confirms businesses will be paying more than double
the rates of comparable
That Auckland
Council has confirmed that its business differential rate of
2.63 was deliberately set so business would continue to
contribute the same proportion of rates as under the old
council appears to reinforce that they have been fixed by a
subjective and essentially ‘political’ decision, says
Auckland Chamber of Commerce head, Michael Barnett.
He was responding Auckland Council Finance & Strategy Chair Penny Webster commenting on an earlier Chamber of Commerce statement pointing to significant rate increases in the pipeline.
There is no escaping that the 2007 Report of the Local Government Rates Inquiry concluded that business differentials have been set in an arbitrary fashion historically and are not related well to the benefits received. Noting that differentials are generally fixed by a subjective and essentially ‘political decision, the Rates Inquiry recommended they should be abolished. Nonetheless, despite the Rates Inquiry recommendation the new Auckland Council has continued with the system. It is this that needs to be tested.
• Setting the differential rate so that council will collect the same proportion of rates revenue as it collected in 2011/12 in order to minimise change for all rate payers in the move to a single uniform rating system seems to confirm that any relationship to benefits received was not an important consideration.
The reference to
seeking an opinion from the Auditor-General was strictly in
regard to the fairness of a differential rate system that
seems to be manifestly arbitrary and subjective, and not
related in any way to the Auditor-General’s opinion of
Council’s Long-term Plan statement of